Thursday, August 23, 2007

Toronto wins for lowest drug and alcohol abuse rate

Living among the big city lights might not as bad for your health as once thought. A recent survey concluded that across Canadian cities alcohol and drug abuse was lower than in smaller, rural areas. Toronto, the largest Canadian city came in first for having the lowest drug and alcohol abuse rate. One explanation researchers give for this trend is that more immigrants are popualting larger cities and the population tends to be more educated. Mid sized cities and the Prairies and Maritimes suffered from a higher than average prevalance of substance abuse.

Across Canada, the prevalence of substance abuse in the general population of large cities was below both the national and provincial averages

Tags: Canada | Toronto | Toronto has lowest drug and alcohol abuse rate

1 comment:

Vincent said...

Toronto, the largest Canadian city came in first for having the lowest drug and alcohol abuse rate. One explanation researchers give for this trend is that more immigrants are popualting larger cities and the population tends to be more educated. Mid sized cities and the Prairies and Maritimes suffered from a higher than average prevalance of substance abuse.
Drug Rehabs