Thursday, May 3, 2007

Dry-cleaner sued for $65M over missing/found pants- AP

Be careful next time you tell someone that "Satisfaction's Guaranteed."

A DC area judge is suing the Chungs who own a dry-cleaning business because he claims they committed fraud by displaying the sign "Satisfaction Guaranteed" and "Same Day Service," and they didn't deliver on that promise. The incident started in 2005 after a pair of $1000 pants seemed to go missing. The judge, Roy Pearson, asked for the full price of the pant suit, but in the meantime, the Chungs found the pants so they refused to pay. That's when Pearson decided to sue. So, how does he justify suing for $65 million?
  • $10,000: part of his lawsuit calls for renting a car for the 10 years to drive another dry-cleaner that is not located in his neighbourhood
  • $ 1,500 per violation, per day: DC has a strict fraud violation fine. Pearson added up 12 violations over 1,200 days
  • However strange this seems, he could win the case. Do you think this fair?

    But the bulk of the $65 million comes from Pearson's strict interpretation of D.C.'s consumer protection law, which fines violators $1,500 per violation, per day. According to court papers, Pearson added up 12 violations over 1,200 days, and then multiplied that by three defendants.

Clothes for sale 033

Tags: People | Washington DC | cleaner | dry-cleaning | lawsuit | pants | $65 million | judge sues cleaner

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